Whole Foods for Whole Kids

In an effort to help you continue your daily #COVIDrhythm, we wanted to express the importance of these initial topics we are sharing. First is your mental health as a parent. And the next if your physical health. Nourishing your spirit, now body. We think these are the most important aspects to your days at home. This is how to fill yourself up so that you can show up for your children the way you want: in connection and love.

What is the most important thing for your body as a caretaker?

The two ingredients are seemingly simple and yet difficult to attain:



I noticed over the past week, out of my normal routine, out of my normal working space, my water intake decreased. And my body felt the difference. I understand there are other factors leading to my exhaustion, but I am interested in this variable: the water variable. It’s a simple thing I can be aware of and consciously shift to increase my intake.

I’ve been going to bed later as well, about an hour after my normal, after laying in bed letting thoughts push sleep away instead of inviting it to come. Last night, I added a sleepcast to my nightly routine, right after reading my book (unrelated to the news). I still didn’t get into bed until “too” late, but, again, I am aware that the is something I need to shift.

Our challenge for the parents sounds simple: drink one glass of water in the morning, before any other beverage, for 3 days. (And then keep going.) Water will not replace coffee — you may need more coffee right now — but it does kick start your system in the morning and refreshes you for the day.

Challenge two, if you’re up for it, is to create a night routine for you. You have one for the kids, but do you have one for you?

As far as the kids… part of Nourish’s philosophy is understanding what we put into children’s bodies effects their daily rhythm and behavior. We (Miss Andrea) works hard to provide a nourishing menu weekly, that incorporates the whole food pyramid and exposes children to foods in new and exciting ways. She makes the menus, does the weekly grocery shopping, and does the daily dishes all while maintaining high standards for the kids. She is magic at adding vegetables into any meal, stealthy if need be! Miss Andrea is incredible at nourishing these bodies so they are able to play and move continuously.

We thought it would be wonderful to share some of her favorite options with you here, following up with recipes in the near future. We also thought it may be helpful to know where she pulls recipes from as well as resources around the web. We love Pinterest, but understand it can be overwhelming to some!

Nourish’s Favorite Meals

Chicken Noodles Soup
Taco Cups
Black Bean and Butternut Squash Quesadillas
Sweet Potato and Cheese Quesadillas
Egg and Cheese Cups
Eggs in a Nest
Meatball Soup
Chicken Fried Rice
Mac and Cheese (with cauliflower and butternut squash)

Nourish Favorite Snacks

Sun Butter and Jelly Crackers
Cream Cheese and Crackers
Cottage Cheese and Fruit
Pretzels and Cheese
Hummus and Veggies

Favorite Websites for Kids Foods

Feeding Littles (their newsletter is wonderful)

We will add more and make this into a page for you to reference in the coming days!
